Promotion By-Pass

17 10 2008

Digital Video for Remix Culture – Collaboration between myself, Christina Song, and Cassie Mckeown.

Special Thanks to Alex King and Mito Media for allowing us to incorporate some of their footage within the video as well.

video kills for fun*

16 10 2008

Just putting the finishing touches on a new digital video remix piece that I’ll be posting tomorrow after it is presented… Its a collaboration with Christina S. and Cassie M. and myself for Remix Culture and I think it is coming out as something really incredible! It’s like remix/post-hardcore/indie/americana… maybe kind of disturbing and beautiful… Its been a lot of work and I think if we had more time more could have been done with the audio but as I’ve been waiting for the last couple of clips to render I’m feeling pretty fucking happy! That and I haven’t slept much in the past three days so to see this coming to a close is kind of euphoric… And that means I get to leave my fucking frigid studio for a little while (we can’t get the stupid heater to start…)…


12 10 2008

I love 2001: A Space Odyssey and think Stanley Kubrick is a God… I’ve also really been into glitching and pixelation lately… Thus…

It’s ultimately an exploration of the pixelated aspect and how that as a source is really the basis for all media of the 21st century to an extent. But also an attempt at aesthetically remixing in homage to Kubrick while trying to create a new product and something with open implications…